Terms Of Use

Welcome to TechAbbot, by using our website or any of our software products and services, you
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  1. Before using the software outsourcing website www.techabbot.com, please carefully read our
    Terms and Conditions and privacy policy page.
  2. Before using the www.techabbot.com websites, the user must acknowledge and agree to all of
    the "Terms and Conditions."
  3. The software outsourcing business TechAbbot maintains the right to change the "Terms and
    Conditions" at any moment without providing prior notice
  4. TechAbbot is the sole owner and operator of this website, www. techabbot.com. This
    website's entire content, including all of the graphics, photos, logos, software, trademarks, text,
    music, and animation used on it, belongs to TechAbbot.
  5. TechAbbot is the exclusive owner of the TechAbbot name and logo. It is prohibited to utilize
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  6. Although this website may contain a link to a third-party website, neither the contents of such
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    control over the third-party website by TechAbbot. By using the links on this website to visit
    such other sites, you do so at your own risk.
  7. TechAbbot shall have no responsibility for any damage to your computer system or loss of
    data that results from the download of any information from this Site.

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